Making Content for SEO

Whoever is part of the digital marketing world is constantly talking about SEO. There are different positions on this and many times some things are not very clear.

Today you will be able to get rid of all your doubts and understand better how it works. If you want to make SEO content that really works, you have to read this post.

What is SEO?

SEO – Search Engine Optimization, is nothing more than search engine optimization.

One of the objectives of all those who own a website is that it appears in the first positions of a search engine, especially Google. To achieve this goal, you must create your content for SEO.

How to create SEO content?

We must consider some factors that search engines use to place a page in the first place:

It refers to the popularity of the website.

The reasoning used is the following, the more popular a page is because its content is better. If the content is shared, it is because it is useful for users. This gives authority to the website.


It is the relationship between the content searched for and the content found.

However, for a text to be relevant, it is not necessary to place the keyword countless times, there are many other factors that help to measure the relevance of content.

What steps should we follow to create content for SEO?

To create really effective content for SEO we must follow these steps:

Choose your keyword correctly

To choose your keyword correctly you must first be clear about the topic you are going to write about, for that you can use Google Trends, which shows you the most popular content.

With your chosen topic you should think about possible keywords and choose the one that has more searches and less competition.

To help you in this search there are some very useful tools, from the Google search engine, which automatically complete a phrase and give you an idea of the most searched keywords, Google Keyword Planner (free), SemRush (paid but efficient), WebSignals (free alternative to SemRush), among others.

If when checking your keyword the competition is high, start thinking about long tail keywords, they are more extensive keywords but with less competition. Think about your user’s intention before determining it.

Once you have chosen your keyword, it must be present in the text in a discreet way. You can vary it semantically, using synonyms, different phrases with the same meaning, or changing the order, so your text will be richer and more natural.

The idea is to place the keyword in the title, in a subtitle, in the introduction, and in the conclusion. But remember, the most important thing is not to force its presence in the content.

Write for your buyer persona

Defining your buyer persona is a task that should be done long before you start writing for your website.

Your buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer, therefore, when creating content, you must write for them.

Content marketing is based on a closer relationship between the customer and the company, that’s why you have to use closer language and a tone with which she identifies.

Be original and creative

Not only do search engines give merit to creative and original content, your readers will also thank you for it.

It is not a very pleasant experience, searching for a certain subject and finding similar texts addressing the same points, you have to be different. Before writing, take a look at your competition and try not to do the same thing they are doing.

A good idea is to create texts from different perspectives, if everyone is talking about an issue only from one perspective, then do it from another. This will surely help you to create different texts.

Give special attention to the title, remember that it depends on it whether your readers follow or close your page, so take your time to create it.

Create valuable content

When you create content, give your reader something that is really useful. Don’t write a text just for the sake of writing it. Think about how valuable it can be to them and only give them something that has value. When writing it, consider the needs of your buyer persona.

When we say valuable content, we refer to both the information and the quality of the text, so be very careful with spelling and writing.

Choose the ideal size

It has already been said that the longer the text is the better its SEO score, however, if you write a large text without content, instead of helping you, it can hurt you.

Write enough if you have something of value to say, otherwise write only what is necessary. Be objective.

Use links

Internal and external links are fundamental for good positioning.

When linking to other websites, link to authoritative sites.

If other sites link to your page, it will also help you. For this you can do Guest Posting: you write for another site and the other site writes for your website. This way each one links to your page from that text, making the authority of both of you increase.

Make your texts scannable

When writing, make your texts pleasant to read. Divide your texts with subtitles and use a clear font.

Do not write large or centralized paragraphs. Make small paragraphs and always with a margin to the left, this makes reading easier.

Use bold type to highlight the most important parts of your text, but do not overdo it.

Posted in SEO