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SEO is not something static with fixed rules of permanent validity. SEO is dynamic and changing, so a strategy that worked before may not make sense now. Below, Real Link will analyze some of the SEO factors that are currently not influencing SEO.

  1. Authorship

Authorship and Google authorship are not the same concept. Until 2014, authorship had an influence on search rankings. It even showed the author’s image. Nowadays, however, it is a concept that is no longer relevant in SEO.

  1. Adding keywords in meta tags

Another SEO factor that does not influence positioning is that while the content keywords are displayed on the page, the meta keywords are not visible, as they are only present in the source code of the page. In the past, it was common practice to add keywords in the meta tags many times. Nowadays it makes no sense to do so since it has no influence on the ranking. Not only Google ignores keyword meta tags, but other search engines such as Bing do not take them into account either.

  1. Including too many keywords in an image’s alt text

Image alt text serves to improve the user’s browsing experience. If you experience problems loading or displaying the image, for example, due to a slow Internet connection or browser problems, this text will tell the user what should be displayed.

However, including keywords in the image alt text will not improve search results, although it will make it easier for search spiders to index your page and its content. For best results, you should avoid using the same words in the title and image alt text.

  1. Excessive use of keywords

Keywords are important in search rankings, so they should appear throughout the content, but using them in excess is not a good practice and is one of the SEO factors that do not influence positioning. It is important to achieve the right balance between keyword density, text length, and readability, promoting the use of your own content.

  1. Dedicated IP

Having a dedicated IP with a dedicated server has several advantages, although it does not directly improve the positioning of a page. One of its great advantages is that it allows for to improvement of some positioning factors, such as the speed of the page and the security of the hosting. It is also very useful when including a shopping cart that requires an SSL certificate.

All this tells us that, although it does not directly affect SEO, it is interesting to have a dedicated IP.

  1. Google Ads Campaigns

An efficiently and correctly planned Google Ads campaign can attract highly segmented customer traffic. That is, it will attract quality customers interested in more information about the products and services offered by our brand. This will substantially improve Google Analytics statistics thanks to the traffic generated.

However, Google cannot intentionally influence a page that has contracted the Google Ads service. Therefore, the results obtained will depend solely on the quality of the campaign launched.

  1. Social Networks

Social networks are on everyone’s lips and although they are not in themselves a positioning factor for Google, they can certainly favor SEO in an indirect way.

Certain social profiles are positioned in search engines, influencing users’ actions. Thanks to social networks, it is possible to bring the public closer to a brand, make it known, and create a link. As this link becomes stronger, the number of potential customers who may be interested in the brand will also grow. By generating greater interest, searches and traffic will increase.